Intensified Fast CMOS camera
The ISIS-4/1000 is designed for very fast imaging applications and uses CMOS read-out electronics to provide >1000 frames per second.
The ISIS-4/1000 delivers fast frame rate and high sensitivity thanks to efficient fibre optic coupling between a high resolution fast frame rate megapixel CMOS sensor and a hybrid double stage intensifier.
The intensifier allows fast shuttering options down to nanosecond range whilst recording sequences onto large on board memory buffers at 500 frames per second with megapixel resolution.
The intensifier, combined with manual gain control can be used in a variety of light levels from near photon counting to fast dynamic imaging at higher light levels.
The camera system can record sequences onto a predefined region of interest (ROI) in order to reach an acquisition rate 1000 fps at VGA resolution and 4,000 fps on a 1280x128 ROI.
It is provided with a frame grabber PC, software, and intensifier control unit to provide a complete integrated imaging solution.