Resolver (angle encoder) are used wherever the angular position of a mechanical element is required. They strengthen their position in many applications of the industry as a robust and cost-effective solution. It is less sensitive to eccentricity and magnetic stray fields.
The robust design allows to use resolvers also in liquid nitrogen (-197° C), in a high vacuum (up to +200° C) and in highly radioactive environment.
• 2 Resolver sizes for the VSS motors of size 25 to 126
• Insensitive to magnetic stray fields
• Nuclear requirements > 10° Rad
• Temperature range from - 60 to 250 °C
• Frequency 6 to 12 kHz
• Primary impedance 94 or 115 9
• Secundary impedance 51 or 190 $2
• Transformation ration 0.5
• Inertia of rotor 1 or 20 g/cm2
• Weight: 35 or 95 g