•Lighten up your toolbox
Compact calibrator replaces toolbox of single function devices
•Technician friendly operation
Intuitive EZ-DIAL double click menu makes it easier to setup than other multifunction calibrators. Uses the same menus as the single function PIE Evolution calibrators. Icons on the display indicate where to plug in the test leads.
•Use it as a milliamp and voltage calibrator
Source 0.000 to 24.000 mA, 0.000 to 50.000 mA, 00.00 to 10.250 VDC, -20.000 to 99.999 mV and -500.00 to 999.99 mV
Read to 24.000/52.000 mA, 0.00 to 60.00 VDC, +/- 99.999 mV and +/- 999.99 mV
Simulate 2 Wire transmitters
Power up transmitters and loops(24 VDC @ 20 mA; 40 VDC @ 50 mA) with built in power supply
Simplify HART hook ups with built in 250 ohm resistor
•Troubleshoot Loop problems
Quickly diagnose ground fault and current leakage with patented loop diagnostic technology(US Patent # 7,248,058)
•Check all loop parameters at once with the LoopScope
Simultaneously displays current, voltage and resistance to let you know the condition of a live loop. Finds problems with power supplies & loops with too many loads. Patented by PIE!
•Calibrate directly in temperature (°C & °F)
The PIE 850 works with the instruments you use.
Thermocouple types J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, G, C, D, L (J DIN), U (T DIN) and P(Platinel II)
RTD types Pt 100 Ohm (3850, 3902, 3916, 3926) & 1000 Ohm (3850)
Copper 10 & 50 Ohm, Nickel 110 and 120 Ohm
•Checkout flow and vibration systems
Source & read frequency to 2000 CPM (Counts-Per-Minute), 999.99
Hz, 9999.9 Hz, & to 20.000 kHz