This equipment can be used to produce the following end products:
Communion Hosts
Eucharistic Hosts
Altar Bread
Celebration Hosts
Main strength of this machine is to produce host, ready to be put in the packages, without the need to subject them to other further processing, like the humidification and drying.
Host results be compact, non-friable and especially crunchy.
During the production of host, the machine produces a negligible amount of waste.
Machine is equipped of an automatic mixer, of an oven, of a conveyor to select manually the eucharistic hosts, of another conveyor for packaging.
An electronic programmer equipped with touch screen operator panel, handles all the operations of the machine.
Operator turns ON the machine, activates the heating control of oven, and pours the flour into the hopper.
When the oven reaches the set temperature, the operator set the automatic cycle to begin production of the eucharistic hosts.
The machine is able to produce a kind of eucharistic host at a time.
During the automatic cycle, the operator has to select the eucharistic hosts, close the bags containing the eucharistic hosts, insert new ones, and pour the flour in the hopper when the machine requires it.
Air Supply - 6 bar
Power Supply - 400V, 50Hz, 16 kW, 40A
Size (cm) - 470x360x H150