HFA - HFB Filters
Dry cartridge filter for natural gas, town gas, air, propane and other non-aggressive gases
Maximum working pressure up to 100 bar
Maximum working temperature: 100-50°C
Collecting well volume: over 12% of total filter capacity with drain on bottom part
Main Features
• - Max working pressure: up to 17,6 bar-
- - Max working température: up to 60 °C
- - Service: natural gas, town gas, non corrosive gases.
• - Colletting capacity: over 12% of total filter capacity with drain on botton part
- - Flanging: ANS1150 RF and PN 16 UNI/DIN
• - Connections: in-line HFA7... or right angles HFB/..
• - Pipe:ASTM A 106 Gr. B
- - Flanged:ASTM A 105
Filtering Elément
• - Material: Felt polyester drilled and reinforcing Steel plate.
- - Filtering capacity: 3 - 5 - 50 pm
- - Efficiency: 98%
• - Type: GO,5 - G1 - G1,5 - G2 - G2,5 - G3 - G4 - G5 - G6
Available Accessory
- - Single or double drain bail valve
- - Clogging indicator
- - Loss of pressure indicator with remote switch (reed contact)
- - 3 valves 5 ways carbon or stainless Steel manifold forloss of pressure indicator by-pass
- - Pressure gauge
- - Differential pressure switch
- - Level gauge switch