EASY Freeze SPYRO is entirely made of stainless steel and thanks to its special design, and the fact that the fans are equipped with frequency regulation – inverters, it guarantees the perfect freezing condition for all kind of products.
Several unique and proprietary characteristics of the EASY Freeze SPYRO contribute to our industry leading freezing including:
• All gear are positioned outside the insulated cabin (no any lubrication inside the freezer) avoiding any risks of contaminations due to some oil leakages.
The unit has no mezzanine floor or intermediary platform, avoiding any dirtiness accumulation (presence of any mezzanine floor or intermediary platform are making more difficult the cleaning operations) – the absolutely highest hygienic standards are satisfied.
• Freezer design is made according to max. thermal load and max. surface occupied on the belt by the different products foreseen.
Longer working cycle due to evaporator design with decreasing spacing, as well as with possible “symmetrical” large fins spacing design, on the air entrance, and over sizing of evaporators.
• Evaporator has a slightly-angled vertical positioning (not parallel to the wall) to facilitate uniform air distribution over all surface.
• Possibility to have bi-directional air flow in the evaporators with the possibility to improve the evaporator “efficiency”, having longer running cycle, without any extra accessories and/or devices increasing heat exchange efficiency.
• Flexibility: EASY Freeze SPYRO can be designed with different air flow types according to product characteristics; standard ventilation is the VOT “horizontal tangential type”.