The SecurityBridge industrial firewall is a product for the industrial security sector. The firewall for industrial applications protects industrial automation networks from manipulation and unauthorised access. So espionage and manipulation don't stand a chance, and you guarantee the safety of your staff and the availability of your machine!
Protection extended to industrial automation networks
With its new firmware, the SecurityBridge firewall now offers comprehensive protection for industrial automation networks. Not only does it protect the configurable safe small controllers PNOZmulti and the automation system PSS 4000, it also now enables control over data communication between any other subscribers outside of the Pilz range. The SecurityBridge was developed in line with the secure development process in accordance with the standard IEC 62443-4-1 and also respects the principle of "Zones and Conduits".
“Packet recording” has been added to the extensive diagnostic functions. This can be used to record data communication between subscribers from the secured controller network and the unsecured network. Recording can be restricted to specific communication relationships to enable you to analyse data more efficiently. That saves you valuable time during diagnostics!
Physical access to machinery is clearly defined in the Machinery Safety Directive. For example, a safeguard on a gate ensures that a person cannot move within the danger zone until the machine is in a safe state. The SecurityBridge industrial firewall ensures that only authorised persons have access to the plant via the network.