Powerful mini PLC, ideal for integrating sequential control functions, processing and management of data on automatic machines or domotic systems, with control of analogue variables and digital/analogue blocks.
A single device offers digital inputs and relay outputs, analogue inputs for NTC probe (-40...+125°C) and for linear signals (1024 points) and a linear analogue output (256 points). For network connection the device has two multipoint serial ports RS485 up to 57000 Baud.
The Ladder PLprog programming environment is structured in easy-to-use blocks, which alongside the classic counter, timer and control with PID algorithms functions, also implement axis positioning, mathematical functions and 16-bit logics, and checks on bit; the development tool uses a normal USB cable connection to program the device.
Wiring is simplified by an extractable terminal and makes the device suitable for applications with a low number of I/Os, but which can be expanded with MCM260 expansion modules. The option with the OLED screen displays some predefined pages with variables from the program. It shows status of inputs/outputs, as well as the page to set the clock.