The EE354 was developed for monitoring dew point up to -20 °C Td (-4 °F Td). The high measurement accuracy of ±1 °C Td (±1.8 °F Td) in the typical working range of a refrigeration dryer makes the EE354 the ideal solution for OEM manufacturers.
Integration into the measurement task is considerably simplified thanks to its highly compact design and exceptional robust stainless steel housing. The measurement values are issued on an analog 4-20 mA and a digital Modbus RTU output. Furthermore, excellent long-term stability and temperature compensation across the entire measurement range are important features of the EE354.
Using the free EE-PCS configuration software and the Modbus USB
converter (available as an accessory), the scaling of the analog
output can be modified. This also permits one and two-point
adjustments by the user.