Biofiltering is a technology within the field of odor control with a wide range of applications. Given the characteristics of certain odors, caused by the mixture of compounds, it is ideal for technologies based on biological degradation when the concentrations are low.
The make-up of a biofilter is selected based on the characteristics of the gas to be treated. The polluted air flow goes through the filtering bed, where specialized micro-organisms convert the pollutants into CO2, H2O and biomass.
Maximum acceptable concentration in a biofilter is determined by the bio-toxicity of the pollutant. In the case of compounds such as alcohols, the concentration may be higher that for other more toxic compounds. An example of this might be the aromatic halogenated compounds. Minimum concentration is that which guarantees that the compounds are disseminated in the bed and that can perform the transfer of material. Without this minimum concentration, it is impossible to sustain the colonies of micro-organisms.
Good performance in removal and destruction of pollutants
Moderate installation cost
Low operating costs
No specific maintenance required
No use of chemicals required
Suitable for large flows
Proven technology