PMK 3D Positioners are stepless adjustable. The mechanical clamping system allows easy and exact
positioning of probes and other accessories. The three joints of the positioner can be tightened with a single turn of hands at the fastening screw. This makes it very user friendly and allows for efficient working.
Permanent fixation - stable base
Through precisely fitting ball-and-socket joints very high static friction is achieved for a greater stabilty of the positioner. There are three different versions of the 3D Positioner. Depending on the application steel base, table clamp and vacuum cup can offer a distinguished advantage in handling your daily measuring tasks.
Please note, that other combinations of base, positioner and probeholder are available at our
sales department.
This is just an excerpt.
For permanent fixation of more sophisticated Tests, utilizing many probes, or as an assistance in PCB-
Development in general, we recommend SKID®, compatible to the positioners on this site.