1/2" disc self-hold temperature limiting control. In a fault condition, the control opens activating an internal heat source which holds the device in an open condition until the power is removed and the unit is allowed to cool. The control then resets allowing continued operation.
A snap-action self-hold thermostat for motor and appliance applications.
•Snap-action device for quick break switching action
•Internal heat source provides a low profile design for better fit into tight spaces.
•Self-hold functionality available for both 120 VAC and 240 VAC applications.
Contact Ratings
Model SO
16 amps 250 VAC 6,000 cycles
10 amps 250 VAC 3,000 cycles
16 amps 250 VAC 1,000 cycles
Model CSO
16 amps 250 VAC 10,000 cycles
Calibration Range
•Available with nominal calibration temperatures from 40º C to 200º C