The Eaton FlexPDU and HotSwap Maintenance Bypass have reached end-of-life (EOL) status.
The Eaton FlexPDU is a basic function power distribution unit with a short power cord for easy, close mounting to a UPS. FlexPDUs are available with a variety of output receptacles, for connection to a wide range of equipment.
The Eaton HotSwap Maintenance Bypass enhances availability by providing service continuity and facilitates hot-swappable UPS battery replacement.
HotSwap MBP facilitates battery replacement
Hot-swap batteries from the front panel with no need to remove the UPS from the rack.
Flexible mounting
0U, 1U, 2U footprint offerings
Tool-less mounting buttons
Optional side mounting
Clip feet
Remote management: notification and alerts for power events
Find the right rack PDU for your IT needs