Prisma Instruments DUS-TT-V Series Portable Transit Time Ultrasonic Flow Meter is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time flow meter designed using MultiPulseTM technology and low-voltage broadband pulse transmission, feature the worlds advanced non-invasive flow measurement technology providing a measuring system with unsurpassed accuracy, versatility, ease of installation and dependability. Although designed primarily for cleaner liquids, the flow meter can reliably measure liquids containing moderate amounts of suspended solids or aeration. DUS-TT-V is designed for long- or short-term flow measurement surveys on full-pipe liquid systems and is ideal for verifying calibration of permanently mounted flow meters of all types.
Advanced DSP and MultiPulse™ Technology.
40-hour battery (rechargeable), back-lit 4 lines display all integrated into a rugged, watertight enclosure.
Cost-effective and versatile, Providing SD card data logger function, can search the event of totalized flow, flow rate, velocity etc. The SD card capacity is based on users’ choice and the maximum can reach 8GB.
Works reliably in both clean and somewhat dirty liquids.
Lightweight and easily transportable in box.
Optional Heat flow BTU function, two temperature transmitters 4-20mA input for inlet and outlet temperature display and heat flow rate, total heat flow display.