Simple P-NET Interface Triple Speed, RS-485 to Light-Link converter
• Provides a transparent link between standard RS485 P-NET and the optical Light-Link P-NET.
• Provides a high speed transparent link between standard RS485 P-NET and the optical Light-Link P-NET.
• No programming required.
• Performs a direct link between Light-Link and RS 485.
• Advanced internal self testing
• Wide power supply range
• Wide temperature range
The PD 663 Simple P-NET Interface is one of a number of standard modules within the PD 600 series range. Its main purpose is to provide a transparent high-speed link between two or more clusters of PD 6xx devices that are mounted either within the same control panel, or in different control panels within a limited area. Communication between these clusters, where each is equipped with a PD 663, takes place on RS485 P-NET at 230.4 kbits/s.
The PD 663 is equipped with 2 LEDs, a green (On) to indicate that power is supplied to the module, and a red (Error) to indicate internal errors within the module. The Error LED is ON if an internal error occurs in the device.
The maximum RS485 cable length is 50 meters, and P-NET Bus Topology must be used.
The PD 663 device performs a direct (repeater) link between an RS485 network segment and Light-Link, meaning that any modules included in the cluster will be regarded as part of the same network. In other words, no gateway function is involved.
The PD 663 is used with a BM 010 Base Module.
The device itself does not require any programming or configuration.
It should be noted that connecting devices other than the PD 663 type to the triple speed RS485 P-NET wire is not permitted,