Our ANALECT® RovIR™ FTIR Analyzer System is designed to be transportable for real-time dynamic monitoring of pilot scale reaction chemistries and continuous process streams. Its portability avoids costly permanent installations. With a sealed NEMA 4 enclosure and vortex cooling, the RovIR analyzer can be installed in general purpose and hazardous areas. The ANALECT RovIR FTIR Analyzer System’s versatility demonstrated by its range of applications allows measurements at multiple probes tap locations, and batch reaction development utilizing just one analyzer.
Utilizes process proven ANALECT® Diamond 20™ Transept™ optical head.
Interchangeable sampling options to meet a wide range of operating conditions:
– Choice of Diamond, ZnSe, and Silicon Probes
– Flow-through ATR and transmission accessories
– High throughput light pipes and fiber-optic configurations
Full chemometric modeling capability including SpectraQuant™, Eigenvector PLS Toolbox®, Eigenvector Solo®, Camo Unscrambler, Matlab®, Infometrix Pirouette® and Grams PLSiQ.
The ANALECT RovIR FTIR Analyzer System is primarily used in the oil and gas industry for subsea exploration and production. Specifically, it is used for the real-time analysis of hydrocarbons and other compounds in subsea production fluids, allowing operators to monitor the composition of fluids in real-time and optimize production processes. It is also used in the environmental monitoring and remediation industries for the analysis of soil and water samples, as well as in the food and beverage industry for quality control and product development.