Our ALPHA OMEGA INSTRUMENTS™ Series 2520™ Portable Analyzer is a battery-operated percent oxygen analyzer designed for industrial and commercial applications where accurate and reliable spot percent oxygen measurements are needed. The Series 2520 Portable Percent Oxygen Analyzer is a lightweight, easy-to-use analyzer that provides accurate and repeatable percent oxygen measurements in a variety of gases. The rugged and compact design of the Series 2520 makes it ideal for industrial applications where spot oxygen measurements need to be made.
The Series 2520 portable, battery-operated percent oxygen analyzer can be configured with one of several measuring ranges from 0-1% to 0-100% oxygen. The standard Series 2520 Portable Percent Oxygen Analyzer is equipped with a 3-1/2-digit liquid crystal display, built-in NICAD batteries, and a universal AC adapter that provides the ability to recharge the NICAD batteries even while powering the analyzer from the adapter. It features an extended life oxygen sensor with EES (Enhanced Electrolyte System) that provides exceptional measurement accuracy and stability.
For applications where carbon dioxide is present in the sample gas, the EES retards passivation of the sensor anode by allowing the products of oxidation to dissolve in the electrolyte. In effect, the sensor is renewed continuously, resulting in an increase in sensor life. The output from the sensor is temperature compensated.
Here are some of the industries that use the Series 2520 portable, battery-operated percent oxygen analyzer:
Environmental Monitoring: Used in environmental monitoring applications to measure the oxygen content in ambient air and water.