Spectrum Compact CE System
An Affordable Benchtop Instrument for Sanger Sequencing and Fragment Analysis
• Single base resolution
• Integrated touchscreen operation
• 6-dye-compatible CE analysis
• Not yet available for sale
Benchtop, Personal CE System
The Spectrum Compact CE System is an integrated and efficient instrument that brings you the independence to perform Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis in your laboratory, under your control, and at your convenience.
It is designed for use with existing sequencing chemistries using fluorescently labeled dideoxynucleotide triphosphate and 4-, 5- and 6-dye STR kits from Promega and other commercially available kits.
One Compact System Optimized For a Broad Range of Applications
Sanger Sequencing
• De novo sequencing
• NGS confirmation
• Resequencing
• Mutation detection
• Mitochondrial sequencing
Fragment Analysis
• Microsatellites
• PCR sizing
• SNP genotyping
Electropherogram of 1ng of 2800 control DNA analyzed with PowerPlex® Fusion 6C System run on prototype Spectrum Compact CE System. Injection was performed at 1.2kV for 8 seconds.
Spectrum Compact achieves a 1bp resolution, as can be seen in the D12S391 locus in the PowerPlex® 17 ESI System Allelic Ladder. Injection was performed at 1.2kV for 8 seconds.
Representative portion of an electropherogram (top) generated using the prototype ProDye™ Terminator Sequencing System, on a prototype Spectrum Compact CE System.
Injection was performed at 1.2kV for 4 seconds with Polymer7 and base calling software; (bottom) whole data file.