The robust pump for safe and reliable use.
The Sigma/ 2 diaphragm metering pump, together with pumps of type Sigma/ 1 and Sigma/ 3, represents an integrated product range. They cover the capacity range from 17 to 1,030 l/h, with a consistent operating concept, control concept and spare parts management. A wide range of power end versions is available, including some for use in ATEX areas.
Your benefits
Excellent process reliability:
In the event of an accident, the feed chemical does not escape to the outside nor into the pump's power end, thanks to the patented multi-layer safety diaphragm with optical (optionally electric) signalling
Integrated relief valve protects the pump against overloading
Reliable operation by bleed option during the suction process
Flexible adaptation to the process:
The Sigma product range is available as standard in the 'Physiologically safe in respect of wetted materials' 'F' design.
Metering pumps with electro-polished stainless steel metering head enable them to be used in hygienically challenging applications
Wide range of power end versions, also for use in areas at risk from explosion, and different flange designs for the use of customised motors