In-line fluid regulator with NSF certification. With its completely lead free components the EcoReg® has been developed for the drinking water, food and medical industry.
In recent years the pressure for lead free components in drinking water applications from international Health and Safety institutions as well from the consumers have been growing stronger. TRI-MATIC designed the EcoReg® with that on mind engineered it with the FDA certified Grivory® GV-5 FWA and high quality stainless steel.
The pre-set EcoReg® fluid regulator is an independent diaphragm pressure regulator that can be installed in all fluid systems. The pressure regulator ensures a constant and precise output pressure independent from the input pressure. The pressure value has been factory preset and cannot be changed. This ensures that no one can manipulate the specified pressure value.
It is generally known that the pressure of fluid lines is usually is too high, fluctuates or varies according to building height. In such cases, the In-Line EcoReg® fluid regulator protects all downstream installations, devices and components, because only the proper pressure is admitted.
Advantages at a glance are:
•Factory pressure presetting - ensures that the pressure regulators are fully tamper-proof
•Reduces air consumption
•Service free – no adjustment needed
•Extremely compact design permits space-saving installation
•Light weight
•Inlet pressure is max. 15 bar
•Maximum operating temperature is 60 °C