Electrically driven product requires three phase 380 V supply. The product has a machining and clamping range of 60, 3 mm to 168 mm and it comes with an OD feed of 60 mm and 10 to 80 rpm of rotation. It weighs around 180 kg. For bevelling the maximum wall thickness required is C-steel of 8 mm and stainless steel of 7 mm. The product has vital technical features; robustly designed machine is completely electrically driven. It is versatile and flexible and assures ease of use and adjustment. The machine comes with a huge capacity and can be used for varied purpose. It boasts a ratchet spanner along with a concentric clamping. Machine is equipped with oversize motor reducer and a mechanical variator that aids in regulating speed of the rotation easily and quickly. Protection housing ensures for long service life, the machine also comprises automatic clutch advances. System comb efficiently tears off chips. Carbide inserts or Tools HSS. The MF-series machine type is exclusively designed to cut and bevel pipes and tubes ranging from approximately 60.3 mm OD – 168 mm OD in a single operation. 37.5° and 30° are possible bevel angles. The MF170 machine works well with carbide inserts.