Technical Details
Trademark SIENOPYR(120)
Type Designation (N)HXSGAFHXÖ EN50264-3-1 - (without screen)
(N)HXSGAFCHXÖ EN50264-3-1 - (with screen)
Standard DIN EN 50264-3-1
Approval Certificate of conformity with factory surveillance by VDE Testing and Certification Institute; VDE-REG-NR 7900
Application These cables are intended for use in railway rolling stock as fixed wiring, or connection where limited flexing in
operation is encountered. They may be used both in- and outdoors, e.g. flexible between car floor and bogies.
They are also usable for unfused connections in switchgear and distribution boards up to 1000 V (DIN VDE 0100-
520 and DIN VDE 0660-500) and in accumulator circuits (DIN 5510 part 5).
Typical uses are auxiliary circuits at line voltage, traction circuits, electric heating fed at line voltage.
In other respects, DIN EN 50355 applies.
Usable on railway vehicles having the fire protection grade 4 to DIN 5510-2:2009-05.