Due to reduced volume and weight and a high degree of efficiency, a switched mode power supply provides an economical alternative to linear power supplies. Other benefits include regulated output voltage as well as the possibility of worldwide use of a switched power supply due to compatibility with universal input voltages. Power supplies for low power are built in flyback converter topology using highly integrated switching regulators. For higher ratings, increasing use will be made of resonant LLC converter topology.
A central component of a flyback converter is the energy component. If equipment of protection class II is implemented, a power transformer with reinforced insulation can be used for energy storage in accordance with DIN EN 61 558-2-16. If no secure insulation is required, a cost-effective design for the power transformer with functional insulation is possible. We offer wide product range includes affordable transformers for flyback converters and LLC topology custom built to enable use in various environments.
The requirements for switched power supply transformers and implemented insulation technology differ considerably for applications in household appliances subject to DIN EN 60335-1 and for mains power components, since UL508c certification is often important for standard mains power applications. Due to a modular structure, construction can be inexpensively based on flexible standard insulation materials.
Since bobbins manufactured from our own injection moulds are used, the requirements of different applications can be met by considering them when selecting synthetic granules.