The dBi Modbus (dBi-M) series of level sensors are the ultimate, low-power, ultrasonic level sensors that benefit from Modbus communication. This series of level sensors features Pulsar Measurement’s world-leading DATEM echo processing power for accurate and reliable level measurement in the most challenging applications, with a suitable measurement range of 125 mm to 15 m (4.9 in to 49.2 ft).
Why Modbus?
Modbus is often used to connect a plant/system supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. The Modbus protocol uses character serial communication lines, ethernet, or the internet protocol suite as a transport layer. The protocol supports communication from multiple devices connected to the same cable or ethernet network.
Suitable for Low Power and Remote Applications
The dBi-M is ready for the most challenging remote applications. The IP68 design enables the unit to be fully submerged, perfect for applications where flooding or surcharging can occur. The ultra-low power consumption of the dBi-M will give you the longest deployment time possible, providing data insights for extended periods of time while reducing the need to maintain your data collection system. The dBi-M is a greener solution to remote network monitoring and discharge point monitoring.
Designed to fit low-power and low-overhead needs for remote installations, users can multi-drop up to 120 dBi-M level sensors with just a single controller. The open protocol allows the dBi-M to connect to any Modbus-enabled device, saving thousands on installation costs and labor.