QuellTech laser-scanners make use of the triangulation principle to detect the two-dimensional profile of surfaces. By means of particular optical components, a point-shaped laser beam is expanded to a line and projected to the object of interest. The diffuse light of the reflected laser line is captured by an objective at a certain angle and then directed to a two-dimensional receiver chip.
Based on distances and angles known, a precise calibrated height value (z) is calculated for each pixel in the x level (laser line), resulting in a precise profile in the x-z plane of the sample. If the scanner is guided over the sample (y axis), a series of profiles is created forming a three-dimensional point cloud in space. This point cloud can be subjected by dimensional control carried out by the software.
Q5 laser scanner series:
High resolution and scan rate combined in a compact unit
The QuellTech Q5 laser scanner series combine the advantages of small form factors with high resolution and a fast scan rate. The Q5 is suitable for measurement applications with limited space requirements and with robust requirements. The Q5 has proven itself even under harsh environmental conditions such as the effects of heat, extraneous light and dust.
The sensor disposes of different set-up possibilities with respect to the analysis algorithm. Measurement results are delivered via Ethernet, calibrated in the X / Z plane.
Especially with light-absorbing surfaces, the Q5 laser scanner offers the user the opportunity to work with different laser powers. Optical power spectra from 1mW up to 500 mW are available