The Smart Tool is the heart of INTRAY. The denesting tool denests and transports the trays from the stack onto the conveyor band
INTRAY Smart Tool
The Smart Tool is the heart of INTRAY. The denesting tool denests and transports the trays from the stack onto the conveyor band and has multiple patents. Smart Tool has a denesting capacity of up to 200 trays per minute (depending on your tray type). Smart Tool is suitable for all INTRAY denesting machines.
Easy tray change
The Smart Tool is custom-made, thus ensuring perfect denesting of every specific tray. The Smart Tool can be removed in less than 30 seconds and a new Smart Tool placed in the same time. Production stop to restart takes no more than 1 minute.
Better work environment
The Smart Tool only weighs 12 kg/26 lbs, making it easy and effortless for your production line personnel to insert and remove.
Controlled denesting
We designed the Smart Tool to be servo driven. You have complete control over the speed and force that the denesting tool uses to separate the tray from the stack and lead it to the conveyor belt. The Smart Tool needs no compressed air.
Hygiene is crucial
As the Smart Tool will be in direct contact with the tray, we gave the tool an open design. This enables you to clean the Smart Tool thoroughly and is your insurance that your denester is as clean and hygienic as the rest of your food processing production.