The new BlazeTM is the first commercial broadly tunable femtosecond laser system incorporating in a single platform both, a Ti:sapphire pump laser and an optical parametric oscillator (OPO), for maximum stability, compactness and simplicity. This is an ideal tool for nonlinear microscopy applications where a compact and stable broadly tunable IR laser system providing short pulse durations, high beam pointing and power stability is required.
The BlazeTM´s unprecedented fully-integrated design features 4 output ports which deliver 1) the signal (across 1000 and 1550 nm), 2) the idler (across 1620 to 4000 nm), 3) the Ti:sapphire (at 800 nm) and the pump (at 532 nm). A dedicated control software is available which enables the selection of the desired output port via the use of a single PC.
Bypasses are available for both, the Ti:sapphire (at 800 nm) and the pump (at 532 nm) outputs, enabling the selection of 1) 100% of the pump (with no Ti:sapphire, signal and idler power), 2) 100% of the Ti:sapphire (with no signal and idler power) or 3) 100% of the signal and idler power (simultaneously) with 0% of the Ti:sapphire and pump. A wavelength extension into the visible (across 500 and 775 nm) is also available upon request.
To ensure shortest pulse durations across the spectral range, an advanced dynamic dispersion compensation module is included within the BlazeTM, allowing independent optimisation of the pulse duration for different wavelengths. Additionally, excellent beam pointing stability with time and wavelength is provided which increases usability in applications where reduced beam misalignment due to laser beam displacement is required.