Quick-Change 96 and 384 Well Pipetting
An automated pipetting system is used to pipette multiple well plates. The semi-automated BenchSmart 96 offers the precision of automation paired with the speed and flexibility of manual positioning. The BenchSmart 96's three quick-change pipetting heads enable 96- and 384-well pipetting from 0.5 μL to 1 mL. The touchscreen display offers precision control over aspiration, dispensing, tip loading and ejection.
Advantages of the Semi-Automated Pipetting System
• Interchangeable Pipetting Options
BenchSmart 96 is a semi-automated 96/384-well pipetting system with three interchangeable
pipetting heads, giving it a range of 0.5 uL to 1000 uL
• Greater Efficiency
BenchSmarts wide range of application modes -from basic pipetting to advanced features like
multi-dispense make programming easy. The large touchscreen and intuitive interface make it easy to design, execute and save any protocol, from simple one-step procedures to complex,multi-step experiments. Pipetting modes include Basic, Advanced, Dilute, Multi-dispense Reverse, Volume Sequencing, Mix and Count
• A Versatile Laboratory Assistant
BenchSmart 96 pipetting system is certain to become one of your most versatile and useful
laboratory assistants. The 0.5-20 uL head provides excellent range at smaller volumes, the
20-200 uL head suits most day-to-day work and the 100-1000 uL head is perfect for sample
preparation and cleanup.