The pneumatic hand-held model FP861RC is definately the most innovative and clever cutting tool. It allows the cut of material from the top (etching operation) by a 5-edges knife that comes out from the structure of the machine through the only pressure of the user. The model FP861RC is suitable mainly for cutting material in rolls shape like paper, fabric or recycle material. Beside, it can be used to cut flooring to be removed or disposed. The cutting operation of FP861RC is not through removing material but etching the material. A selector allows to adjust the outcoming knife in three positions: cutting thickness of 3mm, 10mm or 20mm. This model FP861RC is suitable to shear the paper rolls whenever it is necessary to cut in depth (20mm) and smaller cut (10mm or 3mm) to save the inside core (i.e. the carton roll). Model FP861MT replaces the use of standard blades and knives while increase the speed and quality of cut and the safety of the operators. Air compressed motor is wholly made by Rasor. thanks to the latest generation mechanical and pneumatic components, this excellent turbine reaches a power of 400W with 20,000 RPM and a very high torque. The diameter of motor is now of 40mm only, the smallest within its cathegory. The rotor blade are made of VANESTAR material which reduce to the minimun the weight and the friction. The push button sharpening stone allows the sharpening of the knife edge to be done in less than 10 seconds without removing the knife. The installed knife is 86mm diameter and teflon coated in order to go smoothly through the material and to reduce the friction between the knife and cutting material.