Built For Enduring Performance
Raymond’s Furniture Orderpicker Truck is specifically designed for furniture handling needs. Efficiently handle bulky, delicate and odd-sized loads with our specially equipped orderpickers – in your choice of 24 volt or 36 volt power units to match your application. Rail or Digital Wire Guidance helps to reduce product damage and eliminate operator steering requirements while in the aisle.
Double Rail Guide Rollers
Guide Rollers, attached to both sides of the truck at the front and back, control the truck's travel path within the storage aisle for very narrow aisle performance.
Various Fork Lengths
Furniture order picking necessitates the right forks for the job. Our versatile Furniture Orderpickers enable you to equip your truck with the ideal fork length with extended baselegs for rail guidance application; select from varying fork lengths ranging from 42-96 inches.
intelliguide Digital Wire Guidance System
intelliguide™ is a proven, reliable system for customers who are looking to maintain or improve profitability through better management of space, equipment and people. Raymond's patented, no-tune intelliguide wire guidance system offers excellent tracking and stability in narrow aisles.
Advanced intellispeed™ System
Smoothly coordinates travel speeds and load height to maximize truck speed as the platform rises, capitalizing on an area of opportunity for providing faster travel between picks.