exocad Designsoftware
The exocad design software is the ideal compliment to the dental scanners AnySCAN and AnySCAN COMFORT, simplifying the technology of digital dentistry even for beginners by way of a coordinated, stepby-step workflow and intuitive user interface.
The user interface of the software is easily customised to accommodate the requirements and capabilities of individual users.
no annual license fees
intuitive user interface and multiple indications
Backward Planning ensures the ideal abutment shape and size
CutBack-Function avoids chipping of ceramic
functional occlusion design
STL-file format
intelligent task manager
Order-No.: 58404000
Recommended computer requirements
Operating system: Windows 7®, 64 bit
Prozessor: Quad-Core & higher
Memory: 8 GB
Hard Drive: approx. 500 GB
AnyCAD Computer, pre-configured Order-No.: 58401000