The situation: The next phase of the IMO emission regulations for shipping intends to reduce the permitted sulphur and nitrogen content of fuel from the current level of 3.5 % to a level of 0.5 % in 2020. Due to the IMO tier 2 and 3 regulations, shipping will increasingly be required to use alternative sources of propulsion such as dual-fuel engines and LNG-powered plants.
The challenge: When it is running on gas, a fault in the engine can allow a flammable mixture of gas and oxygen to occur in the exhaust system. In the worst case scenario, this could ignite and cause an explosion. The result would be a failure of the drive system and electrical power supply. Essential instruments such as radios, radar and navigation equipment could be adversely affected. In addition, bursting sections of the plant would create a serious risk of injury to persons working in the engine room.
Q-Rohr® DFE Maritime permits flameless explosion venting in the ship’s hull and thus protects the surrounding area against the consequences of an explosion. Normal operations can recommence on the ship very quickly after an explosion occurs.
Q-Rohr® DFE Maritime permits flameless explosion venting in the ship’s hull and thus protects the surrounding area against the consequences of an explosion. Normal operations can recommence on the ship very quickly after an explosion occurs.
- Maritime class certification in accordance with DNV-GL, LR, BV, ABS.
- Rapid restart of operations.
- Flameless pressure venting in the ship’s hull.
- 100 % seal tightness, to eliminate danger of asphyxiation.
- Compact, lightweight design.
100 % venting efficiency.