The SP80 is a quill-mounted scanning probe that uses digital scale and readhead technology, plus Renishaw’s innovative isolated optical metrology principles, to provide exceptional scanning performance, even with long styli.
The digital scale and readheads with 0.02 µm resolution enable exceptional scanning performance with up to 1000 mm long and 500 g mass styli, including star configurations.
The SP80 has a kinematic mount that offers a repeatable connection to the mating plate mounted on the quill (KM80), allowing the probe to be removed easily. Unbalanced star configurations do not require counterbalancing and the kinematic stylus changing allows for repeatable relocation of the stylus, optimising stylus arrangements for each feature, and overcoming the need for requalification.
Using an isolated optical metrology system that measures the deflection of the whole mechanism, the SP80 provides accurate position sensing without stacked axis errors. Additionally, kinematic stylus holders provide crash protection in the XY plane, and a bump stop prevents damage to the probe in the Z-axis.