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Input systems
» Products
» Capacitive keyboards
Capacitive keyboards
We develop, produce and sell input systems based on a capacitive active principle under the incorporated trade mark CapiSwitch®, CapiSense®, CapiTakt® (CapiTact®) and CapiTop®.
Capacitiv keyboard
no movable wear parts, so no mechanical abrasion of the contacts and consequently an extremely high duration of life
excellent cleanability of the closed operating interface, which is normally
made of glass, plastic or other nonconductive materials
very good resistance against chemicals and cleaning supplies
high mechanical strain possible
high design freedom because multicoloured printing on the back possible
only very low up to no operating force necessary at data input
(similar characteristics like sensor)
support of the feed back through audible, tactile and/or optical signals possible
apart from punctual buttons, locators can also
be integrated in the form of slide- and wheel controllers
The sensor surface of the switch-key consists of one or more electrical conductive areas, which feature a solid but unkown capacity to the earth potential or to each other. The unkown capacity is compared with a reference capacitor, whose capacity is known. It creates a counter value, which stands for a basis value for the not active sensor.