It's a Safety Device in according with Directives ATEX 2014/34/EU. ISO EN 13616-1, Technical Norm Fire Prévention 41/256 31/10/2019. d P.R. 10/520 19/03/1955 and subseguent amendments.
Valve is used to prevent any possible overfill during charging hazardous or dangerous fluids.
- - Application: petroc hernie al. food. pharmac eutic al & more.
- - Vaive opens and closes automatically.
- - No residual liquid in pipe at the end of loading process.
- - The operator cannot leave the pump during the refuellinq process.
* Flow and Turbolence should modify initial and final closure level by ±20%.
The best performanc es allowed by the new régulation:
- - Loading proc ess needs operator supervisor.
- Standard model is for traditional fuel without additives.
-“PTFE” coated model is for spécial fuel, non-aggresive solvents or chemical
-“SS” model is for aggressive solvents, acids or bases.
. Pumped filling
. Two stage positive shut-off
. Remote or direct filling
. No risk of fire or fuel leaking
. Easy installation