The S-MAX3000 pinhole SAXS camera design is available with a choice of conventional or high brilliance X-ray sources. A 3-meter, fully evacuated camera length provides both high intensity and high resolution. Coupled with a fully integrated 2-dimensional multi-wire proportional counter, the system is capable of making highly sensitive measurements from both isotropic and anisotropic materials. A wide range of sample stage attachments provide maximum flexibility in controlling environmental sample conditions during measurement.
A multi-purpose SAXS Instrument
The versatile S-MAX3000 system provides for data collection on both isotropic and anisotropic scattering samples. Moreover, an optional, second sample chamber and in-vacuo IP detector extends the measurable q-range as well as provide the option to optimize your SAXS experiment for a desired q-range. The system can also be configured for GI-SAXS measurements.