Delivers reliable torque measurements for rigs that use chain-driven rotary tables
Available in box-mount or panel-mount configurations, the RIGCHINA Hydraulic Rotary Torque System provides accurate indications of changes in torque for rigs that use chain-driven rotary tables.
Each system includes an Idler assembly and a Gauge.
Torque sensor measures torque variation of the drilling tool driven by the rotary table with rotary table torque sensor of tension pulley type, so as to show the operating condition of the downhole drilling tool and changes in the bottom hole stratum, which is helpful to know the downhole condition and avoid accident.
Technical Specification:
1. Output hydraulic pressure signal range: 0~6MPa
2. Tension pulley external diameter: F305mm
3. High-pressure cylinder diameter: F65mm
4. Minimum height of sensor: 355.5mm
5. Operating temperature: -40. ~+85 ºC
6. Non-linear error: 0.5%
6-inch fluid-filled Gauge
Available in 500 and 1,000 points
Gauge has operator-adjustable dial to zero out drill string
in order to monitor torque at the bit
Standard 25-foot hose, with other hose lengths available
Rugged Steel Sprocket available (replaces rubber wheel located in Idler assembly)