Rimor realizes diverter (three-way valve) in square – rectangular – circular sections. With the use of the diverter it is possible to completely deviate a flow or to modulate it.
The diverter is a solution many times preferred to the use of two individual independent butterfly valves for ease of flow management, compactness of the system and the use of a single drive for handling.
The Rimor standard diverter are classified according to temperature and pressure of use. Depending on the temperature combined with the pressure the diverter can be made with the following materials:
Use temperature
T1 = From 0 ° C to 350 ° C up to this temperature the industrial valves are built in S235JR (ex Fe360)
T2 = From 350 ° C to 450 ° S355 J0WP (CORTEN)
T3 = From 450 ° C to 700 ° C X 5 CrNi 18 10 more commonly called AISI 304
T4 = from 700 ° C to 800 ° C X 5 CrNi 18 10 (AISI 316)
Pressures of use
P1 = 5000 Pa
P2 = 10000 Pa
P3 = 20000 Pa
The Rimor technical office is available to advise and evaluate the possibility of special executions.