Key Highlights & Features
•Dual range 3,000 d OIML
•Stainless steel (304) frame and pan
•Trade approved NMI 6/4C/256
•X320 or R420 indicator
•XS - IP67 S/S load cell
•XT - IP68 and IP69K S/S load cell
The XT and XS bases both use 304 stainless steel throughout, making them suited to food areas. The XT uses an IP69K/IP68 load cell so it is used where high pressure, high temperature wash down or submersion is required. The XS uses and IP67 rated stainless steel load cell suitable for wash down.
The R420 indicator can be supplied with application software depending on the installation and is suitable for IP65 rated environments. The K4xx designation specifies the software application.
The R420-K401 or K402 is idea for counting or set point applications, for example inventory, shipping and receiving and parts counting.