The ATUMtome tape collecting ultramicrotome is now available to sophisticated early adopters* for high resolution array tomography of biological tissues.
Thousands of utra-thin sections with a thickness of 30nm can be automatically collected on 8mm wide Kapton tape for SEM imaging and sebsequent 3-D reconstruction.
The ATUMtome’s tape collecting part of the system (ATUM) is under license from Harvard University where Professor Jeff Lichtman, PhD, MD, and his team designed the
instrument to help collect ultrathin sections to help reconstruct the brain’s neural pathways — a precursor to one day mapping the entire human brain.
Features & Benefits
Collects hundreds to thousands of sections on a continuous tape
Non-destructive to sample, with sections available for years into the future for processing, post-staining, immunogold labeling, correlative imaging — and at any work pace desired.
Section thickness usually range from 30nm to 5,000nm, with thinner sections possible.
Determines sample viability sooner in the process so you don’t waste valuable time cutting and imaging a problem sample.
Uses multiple resolutions for locating regions of interest, then zooming in for higher resolution imaging
Allows correlative microscopy for localization and then ultra-structural imaging
Prepares samples that allow short pixel dwell time for fast detection of images during electron microscopy
Uses standard sample preparation techniques and resins
Charging effect on sections is manageable
Priced at a fraction of the cost of alternative 3-D imaging techniques