Slot hole perforations can have either round ends or square ends (rectangular holes) and are typically used for sieves.
Depending on the application requirements there are a range of slotted holes and patterns e.g staggered or straight rows, herring bone and chessboard from which to select.
Get inspiration from the numerous possibilities of perforation and please ask for any advice.
A few applications for slot hole perforated sheets
Sieves for grain drying and sorting
Malting floors (drying-kiln and germ-hutches)
Sieves for seed processing machinery are used in both the pre-cleaning and main cleaning of grain, maize, oil seeds, legumes, malt, rice, coffee and soy beans. The cleaning and sorting of seeds (malformed, discoloured, germinated, broken, contaminated with other species or mouldy grains in seed lots) can severely impact seed quality, viability and vigour and therefore the market value.
When used for this application RMIG sieves achieve high quality cleaning and accurate sorting of seeds.
Sieves for sorting machines
Sieves for revolving screen machines
Test sieves for grain according to DIN/ISO 3310
Laboratory sieves with a high degree of accuracy
Brewery and Winery/Others
Food processing industries
Fodder and grain mills
Recycling industries
Pellets and granulates production
RMIG's screens for malting floors are manufactured to high quality standards giving reliability and effectiveness. For all processes, from drying-kiln to germ-hutches, perforated sheets incorporating slot hole perforation are predominantly used.
Brewery and Winery/Others
Malting floors made of steel and stainless steel for malt processing technology