The Airmobil TH-120 is a wagon type drilling rig which can be easily moved or towed by its two tires. Adaitionally, a 3ratire can be offered for ease of movement. It is designed for drillinq with a pneumatic top hammer for rotary percussion or percussion only, up to a depth ofl5 meters with R25, R32, R38 or T38 rods depending on geological formation, compressor
capacity, ski II ofthe operator and weight ofthe tools being used.
Rig performance is direct/y related to the geologicol conditions, operator skills, tools being used and other variables.
Rig spécification presented here are under factory test conditions and Rockdril reserves the right to change design, prices and terms at any time without notification or obligation.
OPTIONAL: .pneurnatic Rotary Heads.
•Pneumatic Drifters.
•Feed systems.
•Hydraulic rotary heads.
•Air-line Lubricators.
•Control Panels.
•Out ofthe hole Shock
•Three Wheeler.
•360 Degree Turntable