Elegant, ergonomic, silent, ecological, safe and functional.
Our Semi-Industrial High Capacity Olympus HCT solutions offers low maintenance costs and greater durability.
An integral tele-maintenance system ensures unification of parts stock and delivery reliability.
Capacity: Incorporating the large capacity loading hopper and tailgate. The hopper optimizes up to 3,5 m3 reduces the number of cycles, the noise level and fuel consumption. The loading bay opening width without elevator is 2,2m.
Load opening: Plate elevation cylinders: wide load bay opening
Cabin: Pressure selector for collecting different materials.Alarm system.
Eletronics: Ergonomic, integrated and protected body and keypads.
Only two lubrification points on bodywork.
Optimized hydraulic system to return maximum efficiency and a reduction in fuel consumption.
BIO option as standard: Watertight gasket and lixivia tank at the front of the load box to avoid unpleasant odours and the spilling of liquids.