SchlammFIT® stands for sludge filtration with integrated drying.
This system was developed especially for WWTPs up to 15.000 PE.
Thereby, liquid sewage sludge with 98 – 95% water content is dehydrated in the SchlammFIT® gutter by utilization of the natural gravitation to a dry matter content of 12 – 15%. The SchlammFIT® gutter is arranged for draining over the whole hall width after dehydration.
With the rotating drum the sludge is distributed in longitudinal direction in the drying hall and dried with the power of the sun to more than 80% solids content by means of the SolarTiger® technology.
Thus the mass of the sewage sludge is reduced by up to 96%.
The SchlammFIT®-process requires less than 2 kWh electrical energy per m³ liquid sludge.