HS315 aims to minimise generator run time and optimize both fuel consumption and running hours.
This hybrid controller features whole site voltages and currents monitoring with the ability to communicate with smart batteries.
HS315 has been designed to control DC generator and is able to monitor load and battery levels, as well as manage the automatic stop/start of the genset.
Specific functions have been included to ensure a comprehensive control and protection of the genset, the battery, the charging system and of an auxiliary renewable power source (if any).
The standing control of the battery, and its charging process, ensures the battery long lasting, reducing fuel consumption and service/maintenance on the engine.
The in-built BMS provides information like charge level and remaining supply time estimation, allowing manual control of the system as well. Configurable specific I/O are provided assuring the specific requirements of the application.
Main features
-Automatic start/stop of the genset, according to storage battery voltage and charge level.
-Full “Battery Management System” (BMS) built into, for maximum battery life and performance.
-Voltage and current compensation according to battery temperature.
-Storage battery level visualization.
-Speed control and/or excitation control of the engine.
-Management of an auxiliary renewable power source (if any).
-Dedicated configurable inputs for DC voltages and currents.
-Real time clock and event log.
-Freely configurable timers.
-Genset fuel consumption and maintenance reduction.
-Several communication ports available.