Servo Feeders with Straightener RMS 9
SACFORM’s, RMS-9 type of Servo Feeder with Straightener provides to work with 300 – 1600 mm Width and 0.5 – 4 mm Thickness.
SACFORM has the Mass Production for RMS-9 series, with static main body and accordance with CE Standards.
Control Panel provides fully automatic performance to work synchronized Servo Feeder’s with the Press system.
External Outputs- PLC provides to control multi presses
The software of the Feeder has ability to change the usage data and/or program modification
Our software provides great convenience to the operator to adjust the settings, such as; 250 different settings, memory for Die settings, 50 different Feeder Length settings, 8 external outputs-PLC
Our Servo Driver with Straightener machines are enabling to feed to the high-performance Press Systems with the qualifications as below;
Servo drive rollers and straightener rollers are combined and work as in the same group.
Our Servo Driver with Straightener system is easy to install, work and control.
Ensures the sheet stays parallel and horizontal at 90° from Servo to Press.
Alignment shaft system; which provides width adjustment from center point and movable 50 mm to the sides.
Ability to Feed the coil with Automatedly, programmed Speed and high Accuracy.
Designed to have the efficient plotting for Multistage Progressive Die Systems and ensure to lower of the coil’s tension.
Specially designed Threaded Servo Motor; with epicyclic gear system which transports the energy from feeder rollers to straightener Rollers.
Feeding speed is 32 meters/ minute.