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Manipulator with clamping system X266
coilfor the packaging industry

manipulator with clamping system
manipulator with clamping system
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Gripping device
with clamping system
for the packaging industry
Carrying capacity

90 kg
(198.4 lb)


PROJECT: Paper spools The operator must grip and vertically store on a pallet paper spools with variable dimensions. The small spools can be piled up by 2 or 3. CUSTOMER APPLICATION: Pace: 120 (cycles/h) Sizes: length 300 to 2000mm – diameter 350 to 750mm ADOPTED SOLUTION: Gripping the spool with a clamping gripper with polyurethane jaws Clamps manually adjustable by indexing fingers to adapt to the different Ø of the spools Tightening of the clamps stronger at the bottom to optimise the grip of several spools Long handle to guarantee a good posture to the user, regardless of the gripping height of the spools Integration under an R2a multi-articulated aluminium arm


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*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.