•Production speed: up to 60-80 caps per minute (4 800 caps per hour).
•Range: plastic or metallic caps with different shapes/designs and diameters
•Available caps sizes: from 20 to 250 mm inner diameter or size and multiple caps high
•Package heights (cans, tins, bottles …): from 40 to 400 mm
•Quick and easy format changes: manual or semiautomatic
•Orientation between cap and package
•Automatic teaching of new formats of caps and cans
•Extensible tactile HMI
•Inspection vision systems before and after capping:
•Cans sizes inspection: height, product, quality.
•Caps inspection: product, quality
•Assembly inspection: quality.
•Easy addition of new formats in future needs of new caps or packages designs.
•Remote diagnostic and technical assistance
•Adjustable configuration for multiple layouts in customer’s factory