Ultimate flexibility for near infrared spectroscopy!
The ProNIR series is the perfect solution for those who are looking for a powerful and easy-to-use spectrometer for absorbance, transmittance, and reflectance measurements across the NIR region. The improved optical bench design combined with the highly-photosensitive thermoelectrically cooled InGaAs detector offer a high level of sensitivity, great stability, and a low dark current performance, even in low-light-level conditions.
Other features, such as power status indicator, user-interchangeable slits and optical filters, 18-bit AD converter, and triggering functions provide the best flexibility to any spectroscopic setup where ProNIR is set.
Cold Detector, Hot Performance!
The ProNIR series detector is equipped with a thermoelectric cooler capable of decreasing the temperature of the InGaAs photodiode array, as low as -20 ºC.
Easy integration in your setup
The SMA fiber optic connector allows the simple attachment of ProNIR to a wide range of spectroscopic setups without complex optical alignments. This flexibility is complemented by the triggering function, which includes triggers in/out and delays.
The best photosensitivity over a selected range
ProNIR is available in three detection ranges (850-1450 nm, 950-1700 nm, and 900-2500 nm). In addition to the InGaAs detection range, users can also customize the operational wavelength and optical resolution through the available gratings.
A wider range for more information
The ProNIR series can be easily combined with any of our UV-Vis-NIR Series (FLEX, FLEX+, SENSE, or X-RES) to obtain a wide range absorption, transmission, and reflectance spectrum.