Satisloh´s ART-Block-Pod is a fully automated ART block-piece handling system, supports up to 200 jobs/hour.
The system automates and optimizes the manipulation of ART block-pieces for ophthalmic lens production, enabling closed-loop block-piece circulation.
Automated ART block-piece handling
Automatically identifies, picks, dispenses, sorts and stores all ART block-pieces.
Eliminates manual block-piece manipulation increasing lab productivity and efficiency.
Enables closed-loop block-piece circulation from job launch to job launch.
Automatically discharges block-pieces for cleaning or replacement.
Seamlesly connects to any LMS and integrates to Satisloh´s MES-360 for real-time production data.
Multiple ART-Block-Pod units can be integrated for increased throughput.
ART-Block-Pod is highly configurable to meet the requirements of any automated lab production workflow.
Purchase an ART-Block-Pod and get your MES-360 Lite for free!
Your introduction to Industry 4.0 with MES-360 Lite
Increasing transparency and visibility of your equipment performance is one of the key levers to optimizing your production and reducing costs. MES-360 Lite provides daily reports using pre-established KPI to track machine utilization, production throughput, and top 5 errors for all of your Satisloh Lab 4.0 ready machines.